Monday, October 10, 2011

Blog Evaluation Categories

1. Language
2. Content
3. Layout
4. Communication
5. Consideration
6. Frequency
7. Others


  1. こんにちわ。 This is Tracy, Soohyun, and Jeongyoon.

    -grammatically correct
    -use vocabulary and grammar structures that we have learned in class
    -proper spelling
    -Is related to Japan, language, and or Japanese language and culture.
    -Clear to follow
    Attempt to use Japanese
    -Useful if translation is written beneath the Japanese.
    -Posts written at least as often as instructed by Eguchi せんせい。
    -Comment on classmates blogs'

  2. We believe that the a good blog should contain clear language, effective communication, and a visual appeal. It should be engaging and family friendly. Interactive media should be included. Include current events such as holidays (xmas) and events such as OWS. We hold these truths to be self evident, bloggers of the world unite!!

    Burgess-san, Yamamoto-san, Rodrigues-san, Horngren-san

  3. This is Quinn, William and Zhenguyuan.

    A good blog should be interesting. Should be about whatever interests the author but presented in a way the interests the reader. Should be grammatically correct, regardless of the language. A good blog is not monotonous and contains different types of post that include multimedia such as pictures, websites, videos and recordings. It should be able to attract both new and returning viewers. They also stay current. A good blog for this class should be written in as much Japanese as possible.

  4. According to our group, a good blog should be written in Japaneses as much as possible. That being said, don't paste everything into Google translate: write what you can in Japanese and use English to clarify/explain when necessary.

    A good blog should also have a mix of text and other multimedia posts (graphics, pictures, videos, song..... LOTS OF COLOR.)

    Try to write about interesting topics- everyone studied Japanese this week (hopefully). What did you do that was fun and different?

    Write more often that necessitated by the assignments.

    ~Emily Putscher, Stephanie Balakrishnan, Daniel Oh

  5. The language and grammar used in posts should be correct. Writers should only use sentence structures and vocabulary that the class has learned in order to be readable by everyone. When picking something to write about, keep in mind that other people will be reading so don't offend anyone or include details about your life that should be kept private. Your layout should be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Stay connected with other blogs by subscribing and leaving comments. Try to write on a consistent basis because other people will want to read your blog. Maintain a nice blog and feel free to jazz it up by sharing photos, videos, music, etc. Attempt to connect with your readers!

    Choi-san, Soo Jung-san, Harmond-san

  6. 1. Language
    Try to use Japanese as much as possible - practice makes perfect!

    2. Content
    Post about interesting things! Have some variety in your posts.

    3. Layout
    Blog layout doesn't have to be super impressive, but attractive and easy to read (i.e. separate paragraphs). Pictures help!

    4. Communication
    When posting in Japanese, (attempt to) use correct grammar. Effort is the most important thing!

    5. Consideration
    Keep your posts level appropriate by using hiragana and/or including translations for words other students may not know. Also, please don't put links to scary movies - at least put a warning :)

    6. Frequency
    Please post the minimum required postings. Just don't too much~ (Spam is bad - unless it's fried and with eggs :D)

    7. Others
    Return comments please! And don't be afraid to talk to students from another class.

    Members: Jess, Dai, Anqi, Andrew

  7. 1. Language

    Proper language should be used, including as much vocabulary and grammar learned in class as you can.

    2. Content

    Food blogs are much appreciated. Pictures should earn bonus points!

    3. Layout

    Liberal use of space i.e. don't put everything in one squished paragraph. There should also be space between pictures and text, so that it is easier to read.

    4. Communication

    It's helpful if there's hiragana above any kanji that we didn't learn in class. Blog comments should be somewhat meaningful...not just "that's so cool."

    5. Consideration

    Blog comments should be replied to if there's a question.

    6. Frequency

    Post as much as you want, but at least as often as your teacher requests.

    7. Others

    At the beginning, more English should be fine because we haven't learned enough Japanese to write full paragraphs yet.

    By: Jamnah, Liz, and Annie

  8. 1. Language
    - Grammar
    - Spelling

    2. Content

    3. Layout
    - Organization
    - Readability

    4. Communication
    - Use of Japanese when possible

    5. Consideration
    - Level appropriate content (i.e. minimal kanji), so others can understand
    - Don't post if you think the content is too complicated for an intro class
    - Return comments!
    - No spam please!

    6. Frequency
    - Post at least once a week to keep up interest

    Professor: Matsumoto-sensei
    Members: Carlos, Erik, Tae, Stephen

  9. By Miles, Miguel, Jin, Minnia


    -> using what we do know and have learned in class, correctly
    -> check spelling and grammar again

    -> appropriate length
    -> be honest, show your sincerity and originality

    -> legibility, clarity
    -> organized

    -> remember to comment on others' blogs (use Japanese when you can, but other languages are fine too as long as you get your point across)

    -> be respectful of others' blogs
    -> don't spam
    -> return comments
    -> be generous
    -> don't be mean/spiteful
    -> don't use, in excess, Japanese you know others will not understand (i.e. Kanji)

    -> follow a regular interval, according to your schedule
    -> consistency is better than frequency

    -> be funny! :)
    -> post multimedia things for fun (i.e. other than writing)

    ~Happy Blogging!~

  10. 1. Language
    - Good Grammar
    - Proper Spelling
    -Correct usage of Katakana, Hiragana
    - Use of Japanese when applicable

    2. Content
    - English Translation when necessary
    - Interesting Topics
    - Videos and Pictures
    - Post appropriate content

    3. Layout
    - Simple and clean layout
    - Shouldn't make you dizzy looking at the blog
    - Content should be read-able

    4. Communication
    -Try not to use Kanji if possible, Hiragana is best
    - English Translations appreciated when the whole text is in Japanese with words that most people do not know

    5. Consideration
    -Try to return comments
    - Reply with relevant comments
    - Post appropriate content

    6. Frequency
    - Try to post once a week

    Members: Janice Lee, Alec Martin, Zhi Yao Ding, Ethan Edwards

  11. Kaneisha, Caitlin, Kale/Deanna, Jenny say konnichiwa!

    1. Language
    Should try to use as much Japanese as possible! Try not to rely on Google translate because it is often very inaccurate, look in a dictionary or instead.

    2. Content
    Content that is Japanese-related is best, especially multimedia posts that people can watch or look at because then it doesn't necessarily depend on us knowing the language. Write about yourself and your language-learning experiences so we can get to know you better too.

    3. Layout
    Be clear to read. Attractiveness shouldn't really count that much because it's just a template anyway. If it's complicated to use or comment on, then you might want to reconsider your layout.

    4. Communication
    Be clear and double check the grammar of what you post. Try not to use too much grammar and vocabulary that we haven't learned yet otherwise it's hard to read. Maybe make a note of any kanji or new vocab that you've learned so that your readers can understand better.

    5. Consideration
    Comment as much as possible and reply to your comments so people will want to talk to you! Be polite and supportive of your fellow classmates and don't hate if you don't like the same animes that they do.

    6. Frequency
    Posting once-ish a week is good, or post whenever you have interesting stuff to say! Don't just post for the sake of posting.
