Thursday, December 8, 2011


きょうのアクティビティです。There are 5 activities. If you do not finish within class time please finish at home. Use your time effectively!

. Evaluation of the blog (20 minutes)
  • Read the evaluation categories shown below.
  • Click the form below and rate your classmates' blog and your blog between the scale of 1-10.
  • Evaluate them and type comments. Make sure to write at least one sentence in Japanese.
  • Your comments will be given to the bloggers.
  • オコーネルさん、リャオさん、バーナードさん、ニコルズさん、シューさん、リーさん→Click here.
  • タッカーさん、マッキンストリーさん、ラッセルさん、レティさん、なかうちさん、アルトさん→Click here
  • ジョーさん、カーさん、ピーターソンさん、つかやまさん、ホーンさんClick here.

  • バイさん、ブラウンさん、バージェスさん、アインスタインさん、ハーンゲリアムさん、ヒュエットさん→Click here.
  • ヒュンさん、クズオールさん、リューさん、ローさん、ロドリゲスさん、シンさんClick here.
  • スプラウスさん、タンさん、ワンさん、やまもとさん、ユーさんClick here.

  • プッチャー・スジョン・チョイ・シェルトン・ウィリアム・ハモンド→ Click here
  • リンチ・ニー・ダイ・ダニエル・ジョン・ステファニー・ジェス→Click here

  • シーさん、ブラウンインズさん、オウさん、シマードさん、ヘルナンデスさん、トーマスさん、カーンさん→Click here

  • スコットさん、アダグンさん、モートンさん、いわみずさん、ポメスさん、ハーさん→Click here


  • ディンさん、マーティンさん、ゼングさん、ロルダンさん、ヤンさん、エスコバルさん、じんさん、ペイトンさん→Click here

  • ミニアさん、ナーディさん、エドワードさん、ペインさん、ロウェルさん、チェンさん、リーさん→Click here
Blog Evaluation Categories

(1) Language

  • - transition into using more Japanese, use Japanese as much as possible
  • - use the grammar structure and vocabulary we learned
  • - try not to rely on Google translator because it is often very inaccurate
  • - grammatically correct
  • - clear language and proper spelling

(2) Content

  • - a good topic or theme, some sort of continuity in the theme/ topic of the blog, include current events
  • - topics that somehow relate to Japanese, topic should be related to Japanese culture to raise people’s common interests
  • - various subjects and topics that lead to good discussions
  • - clarity, simple and easy to understand, should be coherent
  • - be honest, show sincerity and originality
  • - interesting to reader and writer, appropriate/ polite content, include topics that touch on life lessons or address universal values

(3) Layout

  • - easy on the eye
  • - utilizes external resources, including pictures, videos, links, and recordings
  • - user- friendly, easy to navigate
  • - visually attractive (eg: stylish layout, effective usage of colors)
  • - clear font, clear to follow
  • - liberal use of space, don’t squeeze sentences into one paragraph
  • - attract both new and returning users
  • - family- friendly

(4) Communication

  • - respond to comment, interacting with other blogs (eg. commenting on classmates’ blogs and other blogs outside of class)
  • - comments should be answered if they include questions, comments should be meaningful
  • - English translation when relevant
  • - communicate and articulate in a conductive way
  • - keep the flow of the dialogue natural so it is easy for the readers to read, consistent tone/ subject
  • - attempt to connect with readers

(5) Consideration

  • - be sincere, no offensive words or posts but have an opinion, keep in mind what others could be offended by, know your audience
  • - aware of the language level of one’s readers, try to post at the class’ level so we can all read the posts
  • - should respect others’ blogs, consideration of other’s opinions, try not to be politically incorrect
  • - don’t include too many details about your private life that would offend the readers

(6) Frequency

  • - update regularly, frequently updated (at least once a week), avoid posting too much entries at once that has no content, no Spam

(7) Others

  • - Paragraphs should not be so long that the blog becomes difficult to read
  • - humor and wit
  • - make an effort on your blog

2. Evaluation of the blog project. (10 minutes)
  • Click here and evaluate blog project. Please write as much as possible so that we can improve the projects for students who will be studying Japanese at Columbia in the future.

3. Katakana Literary Work Evaluation(If you haven't finished)(10 minutes)

  • If you haven't finished "Evaluation of katakana literary works" and/or "Evaluation of the katakana project," click here and finish them before doing today's activities.

4. Course Evaluation (If you haven't finished)
(10 minutes)
  • Go to the Courseworks, first year Japanese, and then Evaluation.
  • Evaluate this Japanese class. Please write as much as possible so that we can improve our Japanese classes for students who will be studying Japanese at Columbia.

5. Play the Jeopardy game. (10 minutes)Click here
  • Work individually.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


きょうのアクティビティです。There are 3 activities. If you do not finish within class time please finish at home. Use your time effectively!

Today’s activities are all individual work.

1. Evaluation of the katakana literary works (25 minutes)
  • Read the evaluation categories shown below.
  • Click the form below and rate your classmates' work between the scale of 1-10.
  • In addition, leave comments about their literary works on their blog. (Make sure to write at least one sentence in Japanese.)
まつい先生のクラス :

  • オコーネルさん、リャオさん、バーナードさん、ニコルズさん、シューさん、リーさん、タッカーさん、マッキンストリーさん、ラッセルさん →Click here
  • レティさん、なかうちさん、アルトさん、ジョーさん、カーさん、ピーターソンさん、つかやまさん、ホーンさん →Click here

  • ローさん、ロドリゲスさん、シンさん、スプラウスさん、タンさん、ワンさん、やまもとさん、ユーさん →Click here
  • バイさん、ブラウンさん、バージェスさん、アインスタインさん、ハーンゲリアムさん、ヒュエットさん、ヒュンさん、クズオールさん、リューさん →Click here

  • ジェス・プッチャー・スジョン・チョイ・シェルトン・ウィリアム・ハモンド→ Click here
  • リンチ・ニー・ダイ・ダニエル・ジョン・ステファニー→Click here

  シーさん、ブラウンインズさん、オウさん、シマードさん、ヘルナンデスさん、トーマスさん、カーンさん→Click here
Click here

  ディンさん、マーティンさん、ゼングさん、ロルダンさん、ヤンさん、エスコバルさん、じんさん、ペイトンさんClick here
  ミニアさん、ナーディさん、エドワードさん、ペインさん、ロウェルさん、チェンさん、リーさん→Click here

Katakana Literary Work Evaluation Categories
1. Emotiveness (Appeal to heart)
Capture the readers, appeals to the senses, inspire reaction
Thought provoking, evoke emotion
Relatable to the reader

2. Delivering message (Message)
Eternal verities, providing lessons (underlying deeper messages), depth beyond the plot,

Has a point to it
Thought provoking content
Star-crossed romance, sense of fantasy (mythos)

3. Aesthetic Factors (Beauty)
Aesthetically pleasing,
Follows a structure, style, formation of a style and consistency
Provokes image, songs, and etc, can picture in your head
Sounds beautiful, should flow, have rhythm, rhythmical

4. Creativity (Interest)
Unique, exciting, interesting, fun, not boring, wit, smart, funny, humorous, entertaining, well developed, not repetitive/ cliché, sparking new ideas and questions, original, imaginative, innovative, original
challenging societal conventions, question the typical standards

5. Consideration for Others (Ease of Reading)
Coherent, clear, thoughtful, an appropriate length, concise, cohesive
Easy to interpret and/or understand
Ability to reach wide audiences across ages and cultural backgrounds, potentially carry universal values, Respect all cultures
Vocabulary that takes into account the audience's level of understanding

6. Language (Relation to Language)
Use of language, meaning either a unique use of diction perhaps
Well crafted (i.e.- put thought/effort into it, strategic choice of words, etc.)
Wordplay, fun with language, has an eloquent use of words, illustrative language

Use language that we’ve learned

Haiku & Senryu
Rhythms, rhymes, and catchy sounds, satiric, succinct
Correct form and style

Subtlety is appreciated to achieve mood or image
Express an aspect of human nature (Senryu)
Express an aspect of the natural world (Haiku)

Story & Manga
1) Plot & Structure
Good, interesting, clear story line, good artwork
Depth of character and plot
Beginning, middle, and end
2) Characters
Character development, characters that you can relate, memorable characters

2. Evaluation of the katakana project. (15 minutes)
  • Click here and evaluate katakana project. Please write as much as possible so that we can improve the projects for students who will be studying Japanese at Columbia in the future.
3. Course Evaluation (15 minutes)
  • Go to the Courseworks, "first year Japanese," and then "Evaluation."
  • Evaluate this Japanese class. Please write as much as possible so that we can improve our Japanese classes for students who will be studying Japanese at Columbia.