Friday, November 4, 2011


We have 3 activities today. Activities 2 and 3 are homework (the due dates are Nov.22 and Dec.1 respectively.), If there is anything you can start today, please do.

1. Form a group of 3-4 and discuss what makes a good literarywork (e.g., haiku, senryu, story, manga, poem, etc). (10 minutes)

After you have created your own literary work, your teacher as well as your classmates will evaluate your work mutually. Based on today’s discussion, we will create an evaluation criteria that will be used at the end of the semester.

  • In a group of 3-4, discuss some of the characteristics that would make a good literary work(e.g., haiku, senryu, story, manga, poem, etc)..
  • Share what you have discussed by posting comments on this blog entry. Include all the group members’ names or initials.
For activities 2, please finish by November 22nd, Tuesday. If there is anything you can start today, please do.

2. Make a literary work using katakana. (20 minutes)

(1) Read other people’s comments on “what makes a good literary work”. (2 minutes)

  • Scroll down to the comment section of this entry and read other people’s comments on “what makes a good literary work”.

(2) By using katakana words/expressions, create your own literary work and post it on your own blog. (18 minutes)

So far, we have searched and categorized various usages of katakana. We have also analyzed the purposes and effects of each katakana word/expression. By making the most of what we have learned through our katakana project, create literary work using various usages of katakana, instead of using just a single usage of katakana (e.g. loanword only).

  • Choose the type of your literary work among haiku, senryu, manga, story, poem, etc. If you want to do 2 different types of literary works, you may create another one.
  • If you choose to write senryu, read the previous blog entry about haiku, and senryu and review the rules. You have to write at least 3 senryu works.
  • Leave your own comment for the same blog entry (the one where you published your literary work) and explain why you have used the particular katakana words in your literary work as well as their effects. (Due: November 22nd, Tuesday)
For activities 3, please finish by December 1st, Thursday. If there is anything you can start today, please do.

3. You will receive comments by November 18th. Read your comments on your katakana analysis (draft) and revise your analysis by December 1st, Thursday. (15 minutes)
  • Revise your analysis by and post it on your blog. For the title, write "Katakana Analysis (final)."
  • Do not delete your Katakana analysis (draft). Write a new entry.
  • The final analysis will be graded by the instructor.
Katakana Analysis Checklist
  1. Did you clearly state the source(s) for your data (e.g., newspaper "Asayomi shinbun," women's magazine "Kitty")?
  2. Did you gather enough information from varied sources to support your conclusion. (Deadline: December 1, Thursday)


  1. What makes a good literary work:
    1. Interesting subject
    2. Basics are all right - grammar, spelling,punctuation, sentence structure, et cetera.
    3. Humor is a bonus
    4. Can be something others can relate to
    5. Original
    6. Well done and revised, not sloppily created.
    7. For stories, plot and character development.
    8. Connects to humanity's values on a deeper level
    9. Is meaningful to the author
    10. Is well received by the general public

    Brian, Fiona, Millacy, Keith

  2. A good literary work...
    - inspires emotion in the reader
    - creates a dialogue between author and reader
    - has layers of meaning
    - is comprehensible
    - acknowledges the rules of the form (for a haiku or senryu)
    - should make you think or should cause some internal change
    - should be in Japanese using vocabulary that we've learned

    Emma Peterson, Mikhail Horne, AJ Kuhr, Elisa Tsukayama

  3. Mia McKinstry, Ziping Zhuo, Quian Xu:

    A good literary work should:

    1. Have an eloquent use of words
    2. Be thought provoking
    3. Appeal to one's feelings (sadness, happiness, anger, etc)
    4. Be enjoyable to read or make you laugh!
    5. Have an interesting storyline if it is a manga or short story.

  4. Characteristics of a good literary work...
    - creative
    - uses vocabulary we've learned
    - can use illustrations
    - content relates and is accessible to readers
    - uses language creatively to get at a deeper meaning
    - it stimulates new thoughts in new ways

    Allison, Madeleine, Mio, Joy

  5. A good literary work should be innovative and original. Depending on the kind of literary work it is, we came up with different criteria.

    - Poem/Haiku/Senryu

    Emotional rather than rational
    Illustrative language

    - Manga/Story

    Illustrative language
    Easy to follow

    Tracy Einstein, Ulug Kuzuoglu, Jisoo Hyun, Lisa Tan

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Characteristics a good literary work should have:

    ~Creativity; this entices the reader
    ~Be able to connect to the reader
    ~Interesting topic
    ~Good grammar and punctuation
    ~In depth content
    ~Some type of message being delivered
    ~Interesting images
    ~Not difficult to comprehend

    Indya Brown, Soo Hyun, Jeong Yoon

  8. ステーシー*スプラウス


    - Evokes emotion.
    - Well-written in the sense of correct grammar, spelling, and sentence formation, and in the case of certain poetic forms, at least easily understood.
    - Interesting content.
    - Comprehensible and approachable; in this case, understandable to the target audience of introductory students of Japanese.
    - Original.

  9. A good literary work should be original or an elaboration. It should also be relatable to someone or some group with deliberate language.

    For haikus, subtlety is appreciated. With so few syllables to work with it is better to achieve a mood or image rather than a direct message.

    James Rodrigues, Jakob Horngren, Brian Burgess, Kyoko Yamamoto

  10. Characteristics of a good literary work include:

    - Interesting storyline
    - Haiku: 5,7,5 syllables
    - Manga: good artwork
    - Creative
    - Humorous/enjoyable
    - Has a deeper meaning
    - Easy to understand

    Kelly, Katherine, Xin, Melissa

  11. A good literary work should include:
    - Easy to understand
    - Creative
    - Satiric (senyu)
    - Funny, enjoyable
    - Following the 5,7,5 syllable structure (Haiku)
    - Simple
    - Succinct
    - Good visuals and relevant to story line

    Angela Ni, Stephanie B., Daniel Oh, Emily P.

  12. For our Katakana project, we should look for:
    - entertaining content.
    - not too advanced for class level.
    - creative approach.
    - Utilized what we have learned.
    - ascetic appeal.
    - neat and easy to comprehend.

    Andrew and William

  13. A good literary work consists of:

    - Engaging subject
    - Clearly recognized as humorous, depressing; clear genre
    - Relatable (uses language and subject matter everyone can understand)
    - Correct spelling, grammar, structure (i.e. haiku/senryu syllable structure) etc. (Proofreading is important!)

    David Choi, Jess Bertubin

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. A good literary work should be

    ---easy to read and memorize
    ---creative and innovative
    ---excellent rhythm and grammar
    ---evoke the readers’ emotion
    --- fun to read
    ---interesting topic( relate to life)!


  16. A good literary work should be:

    - original and creative
    - easy to understand
    - somewhat relatable to the reader
    - enjoyable and interesting to read
    - have a purpose
    - personal
    - able to evoke emotion
    - inspirational
    - well-written and grammatically correct
    - utilizing the grammar and vocabulary that we have covered so far in class
    - appropriate for the audience and non-controversial

    ハモンド + クイン

  17. -original
    -correct use of grammar
    -some meaning
    -fits genre or style

    Carlos, Bethany, Erik, Tae

  18. A good literary work should be:
    grammatically correct
    offers a new perspective
    culturally correct

    Anastasia, Kaan, Amanda and Liangzi

  19. What makes a good literary work?

    -compelling story
    -multiple meanings or messages
    -elicits emotion
    -correct use of grammar
    -makes you think!

    Idera, Jamnah, Allsion, Annie, Akiko

  20. A good literary work needs to:

    -be creative
    -be properly structured
    -have proper grammar
    -be stylistic
    -invoke emotion
    -be concise


  21. A good literary work has...
    - interesting to read
    - creative
    - draw emotion
    - original
    - create a mental image
    - good artwork (for manga)

    Janice, Michelle, Alec

  22. A good literary work should have following characters:

    ~1. Originality:the author should tell something interesting and unique
    ~2. Understandability:the topic should not be too obtrusive
    ~3. Inspiration:the literary work should inspire the readers' resonance
    ~4. Good grammar and punctuation
    ~5. Completeness: the story should be concrete and completed
    ~6. Respect all cultures, no discrimination

    You Chen, Zi Yan

  23. A good literary work:
    1- is grammatically correct
    2- interesting to read
    3- has a point
    4- is imaginative
    5- is original
    6- and invokes images in the reader's mind.

    Miles Roldan, Miguel Escobar

  24. A good literary work should be:
    >original: interesting and unique ideas expressed and developed upon
    >understandable: using vocabulary and grammar on a level appropriate for a beginning Japanese class
    >appropriate: content suitable for all viewers, respectable to all cultures

    -Minnia, Jin

  25. Kaneisha Payton
    Caitlyn Loewll
    Jenny Payne
    Deanna Nardy

    -good mechanics (spelling/grammar)
    -humor if humor is relevant

  26. -interesting
    -few grammar/spelling mistakes

    Ethan Edwards, Zhiyao Ding
